Self Care Tips​
Always cherish yourself
Get enough sleep
Maintain good nutrition ~ we know that we all eat poorly sometimes but, overall, try to put good nutrients into your body every day
Maintain social supports and contacts
Find a hobby you enjoy
Pamper yourself sometimes
Keep your mind sharp by learning new things
Exercise, stretch, move, walk regularly ~ at least hourly, do something
Have a positive outlook ~ think about something you are grateful for today
Process your emotions
Maintain a spiritual practice ~ that may be prayer for you or it may be watching a sunset
Help others by giving back ~ help your neighbor or family do chores around the house, volunteer, help your sibling with homework, etc.
Reach out to someone you have not connected with recently to make them (and you) smile :-)
If you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, please call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 988 or 800.273.8255
During COVID-19
Be responsible and do your part to slow the spread of the Coronavirus.
Stay home when possible to limit public interactions with others who may be sick.
Practice physical distancing while still maintaining your social contacts (texts, telephone, social media, homemade cards, pictures, etc.)
Stay home if you have any symptoms of fever, cough or shortness of breath.
Wash your hands with soap and water often, especially after touching any frequently used item or surface. Wash for longer than you typically do ~ at least 20 seconds while you sing, pray or speak a positive affirmation
Sneeze or cough into a tissue and throw it away.
Disinfect frequently used items and surfaces ~ don't forget your phone, doorknobs, mouse, glasses and remotes!
We understand this is a challenging time for all of us. Please know that the measures you take will help bring this pandemic to an end. We can all get through this together…
We Believe In Recovery!